If you are getting ready to open up your first law office, you likely have a million questions at the top of your head. How do you go about finding the best location? What is the best location? Who will you partner with? What kind of clientele will come to your office? How do you decorate? Do you need to […]
Setting Up Practice For Less
Legal Aid In 2016: Everything You Need To Know
Since the Legal Aid and Advice Act was passed in 1949, residents of England and Wales have been able to receive Legal Aid.
Hiring A Criminal Lawyer: A Complete Guide
Criminal law is a branch of public law that primarily focuses on issues that are regarded as a criminal offence. Defrauding someone, theft, and physical injury are just some of the many examples of common crimes. The law of the United Kingdom has laid out the punishment for different crimes. If you are caught committing a crime, the government will […]