Nowadays, when a couple ‘ties the knot’ with each other, the countdown starts for the moment when they would file for divorce. “Happily living together for a lifetime” is disappearing, but in Australia it is not as fast as it has been in the past. Recent figures of the divorce rate have seen a decrease on a nationwide basis which helps the image of Australia as a whole on the global platform. It is an indication of the fact that the happiness index of the country is improving. It is often a fast life and the urge for more materialistic gains which results in one or both partners in a tiresome state and finding few opportunities to communicate with their spouse. What can be worse in a relationship than a divorce which may lead to disintegration of the family or the breakdown with or without any reason? Worst sufferers are the children who suffer at the hands of harsh reality at very young age when they actually require the parental support from both mother and father.

Filing a divorce is not an easy thing where it involves lot of money and numerous law firms take the opportunity to charge a hefty amount of money. New Way Family law firm in Brisbane are working hard to prevent divorce proceedings with the latest counseling techniques. New Way Divorce Lawyers Brisbane provides every divorce seeking client with the values of equality, honor and care. Divorce lawyers Brisbane resolve the issues related to divorce on a non profitable basis. The amount charged in the form of fees is very reasonable and makes it affordable for clients from any type of financial background. Divorce Lawyers Brisbane are not only well qualified but also have practical experience of tackling various types of family issues. It is the expertise and skills used by New Way Divorce Lawyers Brisbane that has let them earn the reputation as high quality brand.

Various reasons lead a couple to divorce each other. Such reasons are highlighted below:

  • Domestic violence is on the rise in Australia owing to different circumstances. Regular fights amongst couples leading to forming an extreme type of violence and as a result, couples are getting more prone to hurting one another. It is affecting the remaining family members who are usually children, elderly parents or old and sick relatives. For no reason or specific reasons, they are hurting each other and eventually with deep injuries which lead them in to the local hospital. Under these circumstances, if the divorce lawyer is unable to use any technique of reconciliation, then there is no option left expect for filing for divorce.
  • The main cause of the rising divorce rate in Brisbane is because lots of folk who have split from there partner have already moved from another state to Queensland before they proceed with a divorce.
  • Excessive work pressure accompanies lots of couple these days and they fail to find suitable time to support one another. Because couples are becoming more career centric, they are already in the process of terminating their relationships because their focus is on jobs not family.
  • Regular practice of alcoholism and drug usage is also a disappointing factor that usually follows up with further troubles. Such addiction often leads the person to commit any kind of offensive acts or crime. It becomes unacceptable for anyone to live under the same roof with the person.

The above mentioned factors are responsible for fading the glitters of marriage and make all of the family suffer from their worst nightmares or trauma. With the aid of New Way Divorce Lawyers Brisbane, the client can apply for divorce using the method of no fault or at fault.  No fault is the condition when the client files for the divorce without expressing any fault of his or her spouse. On other hand, at fault condition lets the victim or the client express the suitable reason for divorce with relevant proofs. The person must show citizenship proof to be eligible for filing the divorce application.