The road safety record in Great Britain is one of the best in the world and despite a dramatic increase in the number of vehicles on the road in the last few decades, road accident fatalities have been steadily declining since the 1980s. In fact, since the mid-80s, deaths have fallen from around 5,500 per year to under 2,000 in 2010. So, it was a cause of some concern that in 2011 there was a slight increase on the previous year, as people started to worry that this number might be on the rise again.

Approximately five people die on Britain’s roads every day. That means five families are stricken by grief on a daily basis. The numbers may not be as high as they were ten or fifteen years ago, but the misery is just as real.

The Full Picture

It’s hard to determine exactly how many car accidents result in injury, as not all such incidents are reported to the police. In 2011, 23,122 road users were seriously injured and 178,927 suffered slight injuries. Estimates from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents put the total number of road accident casualties requiring medical treatment somewhere between 660,000 and 880,000 per year. This number includes some 80,000 people who are estimated to have been seriously injured. Of the fatalities on the road, some 300 per year are deemed to have been caused by someone driving carelessly or recklessly. This figure is substantially higher for injuries.

Compensation Claims

Every driver has a duty of care towards other road users and should do their best to drive carefully and safely. When they fail in this duty by driving recklessly, aggressively or carelessly and they are the cause of an accident in which someone is injured, then they may find themselves at the centre of a claim for compensation. Anyone who has been injured in such a manner has the legal right to claim against the person responsible for their injuries. Such claims may be settled out of court, meaning that the person who caused the accident admits their liability and a compensation amount is agreed between the two parties. In other instances, the driver who was at fault will deny their liability and the matter must go before the court in order to be decided.

If you are one of the estimated 800,000 or so people who have been injured on the road and you were not responsible for the accident, then you may be entitled to seek compensation for your injuries. Compensation can help you when you are off work due to your injuries, or may help with medical costs or even extra help in the home whilst you recover. The claims process needn’t be confusing and with the help of a good solicitor, you will be able to secure justice for the injuries that you have suffered through no fault of your own.