In many countries including the US, getting charged for possessing and trying to distribute drugs is quite serious. Getting charged for drug distribution versus drug possession are very different and it is essential to know the facts. Importing, transporting and distributing drugs fall under the heading of drug trafficking. Possessing and intending to sell drugs is far more serious and the sentences can be pretty stiff. To combat charges effectively and get a good defense, it is essential to find a lawyer who is an expert in this area.

What to expect

In California, a criminal charge of drug distribution is a general term used to describe acts of illegal selling, transporting, transferring or even importing controlled drugs/substances. This is a bit different from possession – it is up to a prosecutor to prove that a defendant wanted to sell drugs. If it can be proven that the drugs were sold to people including minors, the charges can be quite stiff.

It is essential to know that misdemeanor charges can be filed against those who distribute synthetic opiates and cannabinoid. Expect to serve 6 months in prison and a fine of $1000. Los Angeles marijuana Lawyer who is familiar with statutes can defend people against these charges by contending that it was meant for personal use.

Another line of defense that could be used is entrapment. Entrapment is a process by which a person in law enforcement makes a person does something they wouldn’t otherwise. Officers can be the source of ideas and materials, leading to entrapment and charges. If a defendant is able to prove this effectively with the help of a lawyer, acquittal is guaranteed. Charges have to be dropped.

Transport, distribution and sale of cocaine, heroin and other illegal substances can lead to felony charges. This is far more serious and those charged can go to prison, have harsh fines imposed on them, face mandatory drug counseling and have this information get permanently into the record. Having such information on the record can have serious repercussions on getting loans and even finding a job. There are many instances of people carrying drugs unsuspectingly. This can be hard to prove but a good defense attorney can do the job effectively.

Why finding the right lawyer is important

Since drug related cases are classified as felonies and can lead to stiff penalties and prison sentences, it is important to get the right Los Angeles Drug Trafficking Lawyer to defend you. The most equitable outcome would be to get the charges dropped or at best reduced to a minimum.

Entrapment, missing drugs, medically prescribed marijuana and analyzing samples before filing charges are all ways to ensure that a person gets a fair trial. Skilled attorneys ensure that all the information is accurate and the case airtight before going to trial. Drugs and other paraphernalia have to be maintained safely in evidence lockers and not tampered with – this burden rests with the prosecutor’s office. Drug cases can be quite tricky – so look for and hire the best lawyer in the state to defend you.